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Title: FAAFIN RASMI AH L. 2 R 9 TR. 20 SETEMBER 1975
Issue Date: 20-Sep-1975
Title Act: LAW L. 53 1975-08-01 Dhismaha Sicirka Sonkorta Warshadda Jowhar.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 134 1975-09-08 Habeynta dhismaha cusub ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 135 1975-09-08 Magacaabid Guddoomiyeyaasha Gobollada Jubada Dhexe Gedo iyo Shabeelaha Dhexe.
DECREE of the Ministry of Interior L. 136 1975-09-07 Magacaabid Guddiyada Kacaanka ee Gobolka Nugaal qaybahooda Wakiilla-da Beesha.
DECREE of the Somali Central Bank L. 137 1975-08-03 Xeerka Sarrifka Lacagta Qalaad.
DECREE of the Somali Central Bank L. 138 1975-08-10 Xeerka Sarrifka Lacagta Qalaad.
DECREE of the Somali Central Bank L. 139 1975-09-01 Xeerka Sarrifka Lacagta Qalaad.
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 6.9.1975, Naada Dhul Jaalle Safuya Sheekh Cali (184).
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA J/HOOSE Tr. 30 Agoosto 1975, Lumid Jeegga wareega L. 29056 ee Shs. 1.255 uu leeyahay Jaamac Sugulle Saalax (185).
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, Tr. 15.9.75, Lumid Buugga Lacagta L. 762/74 Shs. 14.528, uu leeyahay Cusmaan Aadan Axmed (186).
FIYAAT SOOMAALIYA S.p.A. Hantida Sharikadda Sh. So. 1.700.000.00 Ogeysiiska isu imaatinka ee Shirka Guud ee Caadiga ah iyo kan Caadiga aan ahayn (187).
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR Tr. 20.4.75, Dhumid Buugga Lacagta L. 8279 Sh. So. 302 u leyahay Shariif Xasan Xuseen (187 bis).
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR Tr. 27.9.75, Dhumid Jeegga Wareega L. 18382, Sh.So. 1.000 u leyahay Xaaji Axmed Ciise (187/bis).
Appears in Collections:Archivio Leggi della Somalia (1950-1989)

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