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Title: Faafin Rasmi ah L. 2 R 5 ee 18 Maajo 1976
Issue Date: 18-May-1976
Title Act: DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 49 1976-05-08 Dhismaha Safaaradda Jamhuuriadda Dimuqraadiga Soomaaliya ee Hindiya
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 50 1976-03-03 Shaqo ka fadhiisad Xiddigle Maxamed Saalax Samantar iyo Xiddigle Cabduullaahi Sheekh Cabdi.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 51 1976-05-02 Dallacaad Dhamme Maxamed Jaamac Cali oo ka tirsan Ciidanka Boliiska.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L.52 1976-03-29 Qaadid guri dan guud awgeed ee waqti hore uu lahaa Cali Maxamed Axmed oo ay la wareegtay Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud kuna ag yaal Xaruunta Wasaaradda.
DECREE of the Ministry of Commerce L. 52/Bis 1976-05-30 Iskaashatada Ganacsiga «Soo-Dhawow»
WASAAARDDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 9 Maajo 1967 Ogeysiis Naada dhul Cali Maxamed Hiraabe
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 9 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Xasan Siyaad Xuseen
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 9 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Maxamed Cali Maxamed
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1972, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Cabdullaahi Nuur Guuleed
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Qaasim Aadan Guuleed
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Caasha Maxamed Nuur
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Axmed Xasan Hilowle
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Cumar Maxamed Hiiowle
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD, 8 Maajo 1976, Ogeysiis Naada dhul Liibaan Maxamed Ibraahim
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 12 Maajo 1976, Lumidda Buugga Keydka L. 772 oo ku qoran Saciid Maxamed Sheekh Axmed
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 18 Abriil 1976, Lumidda Buugga Keydka I. 229 4 oo ku qoran Caddaawe Cali Shooble oo ay .ku qoran tahay lacag dhan 6.155
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 29 Maarso 1976, Lumidda Buugga Keydka I. 9089, oo uu ku qoran yahay Axmed Maxamed Ismaaciil lacagta ku qoranna ay dhan tahay 4800
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 24 Febraayo 1976, Lumid Buugga Lacagta L. 10643, oo ay ku qoran tahay lacag dhan 6467 ee Maxamed Jaamac
SHIRKADDA KOJU, 22 Luulyo 1976, Ogeysiis shir caadi ah.
Appears in Collections:Archivio Leggi della Somalia (1950-1989)

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