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Cinwaan: Hand weavers of Mogadishu cloth
Ereyga furaha: Xamar Weyne
Xamar Weyne
farsamada sameynta dharka
Xamar Weyne
Taariikhda qoraalka: 14-Nov-2016
Nooca: Image
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Nuxur Sawirka: Possibly in Xamar Weyne, where weaving like this continued until the 1980s. Traditionally done by the slave section of the Xamar population, known as (h)abash or adoon. The text is from “The Politics of Dress in Somali Culture” By Heather Marie Akou, 2011.
Waxay u badantahay in ay tahay Xamar Weyne, meel sidaan oo kale lagu sameeynaayay dharka ilaa 80meeyadii. Farsamada sameynta dharka, dhaqan ahaan, waxay ahayd shaqo ay qaban jireen dadka reer Xamar ee la addoonsan jiray, oo loo yiqiin "xabash" ama "addoon". Raadraaca qoraalkan waxaa laga helay: "The Politics of Dress in Somali Culture", oo qortay Heather Marie Akou, 2011.
Probabilmente in Xamar Weyne, dove tessiture come queste hanno continuato ad esistere fino al 1980. Tradizionalmente realizzate dalla sezione della popolazione Xamar in schiavitù, conosciuta come (h)abash o adoon. Il testo è tratto da “The Politics of Dress in Somali Culture” di Heather Marie Akou, 2011.
Sifayn: Image taken from the website "Mogadishu: Images from the past" ( and included in the Somali Archive with the permission of the owner of the collection, Mr. Davies.
Sawir laga soo qaatay mareegta "Mogadishu: Images from the past" (, waxaana lagu biiriyay Kaydka Soomaaliya, kaddib markii oggolaasho laga helay qofka diyaariyay oo ah Rick Davies.
Immagine tratta dal sito "Mogadishu: Images from the past" ( e inclusa nell'Archivio Somalia con il consenso del curatore della collezione Rick Davies.
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Immagini - Sawirro - Images

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Fayl Sifayn BaacFayl
028_Hand weavers of Mogadishu cloth_text.jpgtesto text101.51 kBJPEGShay samayntiisi lagu farayaraystay
028_Hand weavers of Mogadishu cloth.jpgimmagine image29.83 kBJPEGShay samayntiisi lagu farayaraystay
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