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Showing results 218 to 237 of 299 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2009Search for gamma ray bursts with the argo-ybj detector in scaler modeAielli, G.Bacci, CesareBarone, F.Bartoli, B.Bernardini, P., et al
16-Feb-2018Search for the B0 d → µ+µ− decay and measurement of the B0 s → µ+µ− branching fraction and effective lifetimeSantimaria, Marco
Jul-2009Search for the decay phi -> K0-K0bar-gamma with the KLOE experimentAmbrosino, F.Antonelli, A.Antonelli, M.Archilli, F.Beltrame, P., et al
2009Search for the K-S -> e(+)e(-) decay with the KLOE detectorAmbrosino, F.Antonelli, A.Antonelli, M.Archilli, F.Beltrame, R., et al
27-Feb-2008Selezione di Nuclei Galattici Attivi nel medio-infrarossoSacchi, Nicola
30-Jan-2009Self-assembled magnetic nanostructured alloys prepared by molecular beam epitaxy on low energy surfacesLiscio, Fabiola
27-Jan-2015Self-propelled particle models for collective animal behaviourSilvestri, Edmondo
9-Sep-2009"Similarities" between confined and supercooled waterRicci, Maria AntoniettaBruni, FabioGiuliani, Alessia
2009"Similarities" between confined and supercooled waterRicci, Maria AntoniettaBruni, FabioGiuliani, Alessia
2009A simplest A4 model for Tri-Bimaximal neutrino mixingAltarelli, GuidoMeloni, Davide
1-Apr-2019Slow dynamics in supercooled aqueous solutions for cryopreservation : a molecular dynamics studyIorio, Antonio
28-Feb-2019Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: Structural and Biological PropertiesSECCHI, VALERIA
Jan-2009Software timing calibration of the ARGO-YBJ detectorAielli, G.Bacci, CesareBartoli, B.Bernardini, P.Bi, X. J., et al
7-Jan-2009Solvation of KSCN in waterBotti, AlbertoPagnotta, Sara E.Bruni, FabioRicci, Maria Antonietta
Jul-2009Solvation of KSCN in waterBotti, AlbertoPagnotta, Sara EmanuelaBruni, FabioRicci, Maria Antonietta
2009The spatial distribution of X-ray selected AGN in the Chandra deepfields: a theoretical perspectiveMarulli, FedericoBonoli, SilviaBranchini, EnzoGilli, RobertoMoscardini, Lauro, et al
1-Oct-2009Spectroscopy identifications of Spitzer sources in the SWIRE/XMM-Newton/ELAIS-S1 field : a large fraction of active galactic nuclei with high F(24 mu m)/F(R) ratioSacchi, NicolaLa Franca, FabioFeruglio, ChiaraFiore, FabrizioPuccetti, Simonetta, et al
2005Spectroscopy of far tails: Complex Correlations in Financial Time SeriesAlfi, Valentina
1-Apr-2019Spin dynamics in anisotropic systemsin the presence of spin-orbit couplingMiatka, Iryna
4-Mar-2013Spin dynamics of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles investigated by Solid State NMRBordonali, Lorenzo