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Showing results 178 to 197 of 299 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2009On genuine cross-spectral density matricesGori, FrancoRamírez-Sánchez, VictoriaSantarsiero, MassimoShirai, Tomohiro
5-Apr-2012Optical characterization of lithium fluoride x-ray imaging detectorsHeidari Bateni, Schirin
2-Feb-2012Optimal identification of volcanic noise source using integral methodsDi Paolo, Federico
2006Ottica scalare e vettoriale : nuove soluzioni di campo parassiali e applicazioni in microspettroscopia RamanEl Gawhary, Omar
Feb-2009Particle Physics at the LHC StartAltarelli, Guido
9-Mar-2012Phase diagrams of REFeAsO1-xFx materials : macroscopic and nanoscopic experimental investigationPrando, Giacomo
2006Phase transitions in transition metal oxides studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopyMonesi, Claudia
Dec-2009Precise measurement of Gamma(K -> e nu(gamma))/Gamma(K -> mu nu(gamma))and study of K -> e nu gammaAmbrosino, F.Antonelli, A.Antonelli, M.Archilli, F.Beltrame, P., et al
20-Jan-2010Pressure-induced metallization process in Strongly Correlated Electron SystemsMarini, Carlo
2009Primordial non-Gaussianities in the intergalactic mediumViel, MatteoBranchini, EnzoDolag, KlausGrossi, MargheritaMatarrese, Sabino, et al
7-Feb-2012Probing gravity in the Sun - Earth - Moon System with Lunar Laser RangingLops, Caterina
1-Apr-2019Probing the AGN/galaxy co-evolution in the widest luminosity range everDuras, Federica
3-Feb-2009Il problema della massima clique : teoria & praticaViale, Massimiliano
1999Propertiesof superconductor-Luttinger liquid hybrid systemsFazio, RosarioHekking, Frank W JOdintsov, A ARaimondi, Roberto
12-Apr-2010A proposal for B-physics on current latticesBlossier, BenoitDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoHerdoiza, GregorioJansen, Karl, et al
26-Jan-2011Proprietà ottiche di eterostrutture silicio-germanio ad alto contenuto in germanioBusby, Yan
16-Nov-2009Proton-air cross section measurement with the ARGO-YBJ cosmic ray experimentAielli, G.Bacci, CesareBartoli, B.Bernardini, P.Bi, X. J., et al
Jul-2009Pseudoscalar decay constants of kaon and D-mesons from N-f=2 twisted mass Lattice QCDBlossier, BenoîtDimopoulos, PedroFrezzotti, RobertoHaas, BenjaminHerdoiza, Gregorio, et al
Jul-2009Pseudoscalar decay constants of kaon and D-mesons from Nf=2 twisted mass Lattice QCDETM, CollaborationBlossier, BenoitDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoHaas, Benjamin, et al