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Cinwaan: Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Somali Studies
Qore: AA.VV.
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::cultural
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::dhaqameed
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Culturale
Ereyga furaha: linguistics
social sciences
natural sciences
cilmiga bulshada
cilmiga dabecaadda
scienze sociali
scienze naturali
Taariikhda qoraalka: Sep-1988
Tifaftire: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
Nooca: Book
Waxaa ku dhex jira: Lamberti M., The Origin of the Jiiddu of Somalia
Mansur A. O., A Lexical Aspect of Somali and East Cushitic Languages
Crevatin F., Conseguenze possibili di un etimo somalo: xayaad "riti e danze contro la possessione"
Cardona G. R., Somalia and the Indian Ocean: Cultural and Linguistic Contact
Mioni A. M., Italian and English Loanwords in Somali
Banti G., Reflections on Derivation from Prefix-conjugated Verbs in Somali
Gebert L., Notes on Somali Verbal Aspect
Lecarme J., Subject Marking in Somali
Ajello R., Theme Construction in Af Ashraaf and Standard Somali
Salah M. A., The Unity of the Somali Language Despite the Barrier of Regional Language Variants
Andrzejewski B. W., Literary Texts in Somali School-books and their Importance for the Documentation of Somali Literature
Ricci L. Corrispondenza epistolare in osmania (II)
Johnson J. W., Set Theory in Somali Poetics: Structures and Implications
Bardolph J., The Literary Treatment of History in Nuruddin Farah's Close Sesame
Ahmed A. J., Modern Somali Prose Fiction: an Overview
Hassan D. F., Sulla letteratura per l'infanzia in Somalia
Siyaad C. M., Primi ragguagli sulla maanyo: genesi e struttura dei canti per la caccia. Traduzione di un corpus tipologico
Giannattasio F., The Study of Somali Music: Present State
Helander B., Individuality as Mysticism: on the Concept of Burji
Abdi A. S., Danze folkloristiche somale
Elmi A. S., Substance Abuse in Somalia
Ahmed A. M., Aftermaths of Khat Prohibition in Somalia
Tarsitani G., Aden A. S., Muzzi A. Programmes of Primary Health Care in Somalia
Aden A. S., Cappelli A. Bisogni e risorse sanitarie di alcune comunità rurali in Somalia
D'Arca T., Agneta F., Branca F., Declich S., Scozzafava G., Simonetti A. Prevalence of Communicable and Non-communicable Disease in a Village of Jilib District, in the Framework of a Primary Health Care Programme
Tresalti E., Impact of Hurbanisation on Health
Mohamud A., The Historical Development of the Health System of Third World Countries
Dieci P., Agneta F., Branca F., D'Arca T., Declich F., Declich S., Olmi G., Reale L., A Programme of Information in Italian Schools, Concerning Health and the Implementation of Primary Health Care in Somalia
Jaria A., Berdini G., De Berardinis D., Validità e limiti di un approccio psicanalitico in psichiatria transculturale
Greco R., Antoniotto A., Medical and Anthropological Observations on Traditional Therapy of Hydrocephalus in Somalia
Elmi A. S., Improving the Perspectives of Safe and Effective use of Herbs in Health Care
Ahmed A. M., Somali Traditional Healers: Role and Status
Rirash M. A., Effects of Sixteenth Century Upheavals on the History of the Horn
Scaramella C., Documenti sulla Somalia nell'archivio storico della Società Africana d'Italia (Napoli, 1880-1960 c.)
Cassanelli Lee V., The End of Slavery and the "Problem" of Farm Labor in Colonial Somalia
Calchi Novati G., Il passaggio dell'Oltregiuba all'Italia e i suoi effetti per l'unità nazionale somala
Ahmed H. O., Sul primo decennio dell'era fascista in Somalia
Del Boca A., Un lager del fascismo: Danane
Mohamed H. Mukhtar, The Emergence and Role of Political Parties in the Inter-river Region of Somalia from 1947 to 1960 (Indipendence)
Raghe A. O., Trade Union Movement in Somalia 1960-1969
Mukhtar M. H., The Arabic Sources on Somalia
Lewis I. M., Keeping the Birds at Bay in the Bay Area of Somalia
Luling V., The Man in the Tree. A Note on a Somali Myth
Costa Sanseverino H., The Mainland Creeks of Southern Somalia: an Archeological Appraisal
Mussi M., Buur Medow 1, a L.S.A. Site in the Middle Juba Valley (Southern Somalia)
Pestalozza L., Somalia, la scelta dell'Università
Malesani P., L'Università Nazionale Somala: un'esperienza di collaborazione somalo-italiana
Del Bono G., Formazione universitaria dei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo (PVS) e strumenti operativi
Abdi A. Farah, Stefanini M., Sebastiani A., The School of Medicine of the Somali National University
Tedeschini Lalli B., Bandiera M., Approccio sperimentale alla propedeutica linguistica e scientifica dell'Università Nazionale Somala
Serra Borneto C., Aspetti cross-culturali in un esperimento didattico presso l'Università Nazionale Somala
Giunchi P., Somali Speaker of Italian and Language Transfer
Hoben S. J., Language Issues and Education in Somalia
Hussein S., The Transition of the Education System in the Somali Democratic Republic in the Post Colonial Year
Iye C. M., Le Xeer Issa: Étude d'un contrat pastoral traditionnel
Sacco R., Fonti e caratteri della proprietà somala
Ali S. A., Xigsiisan e Dumaal
Grassivaro Gallo P., Female Circumcision in Somalia (Overall Review)
Delancey V., The Microeconomic Effects of Family Size in Somalia
Grassivaro G., Recenti aspetti demografico-sociali della città di Mogadiscio
Lucchini S. F., Territorio, edilizia, formazione: problemi e prospettive
Beileh A. D., The mith of Capital Requirement in Development
Henderson D. W., Entrepreneurial Considerations
Awes M. A. H., Bechtold K. H. W., The Debt Crisis of the Developing Countries and the IMF Conditionality. Potential Economic and Social Consequences in Somalia
Conze P., The Role of Technical Assistance in the Somali Development Process
Mohamoud S. F., A Need to Develop Somalia's Resources
Labahn T., Consumer Behaviour as an Indicator of Income Structures
Abyan I. M., Development and its Social Impact on the Local Communities in the Juba Valley
Samantar M. S., Economic Impact of the Development Project in the Juba Valley
Hjort A., Huseen M. C., Camel Herd Dynamics in Southern Somalia: Long Term Development and Milk Production Implications
Krokfors C., Spatial Aspects on Seasonal Distributions of Camels in Southern Somalia
Hussein M. A., Traditional Practices of Camel Husbandry and Management in Somalia
Stern W., Livestock Trade in North-Somalia: Its Organization, Implementation and Problems
Janzen J., The Somali Inshore Fishing Economy. Structure, Problems, Perspectives
Garofoli V., Enea and the Developing Countries
Ariatti F., Enel's Role in the Cooperation with Foreign Countries
Laux H., The Situation of Woodfuel Supply and Demand in Mogadishu
Nicoletti B., Spada M., A Research on Maintenance Management in Somalia
Mohamed M. C., Géologie et Hydrogéologique du Bassin Central de Somalie
Falciai M., Gullo C., La teoria delle tecnologie appropriate e la realtà del mondo agricolo somalo
Varotti A., La coltivazione del mais: aspetti economici e sociali
Passera C., Caratterizzazione chimica e biochimica di frutti somali
Alio' S. H., I pastori somali e le malattie degli animali
Mohamed M. S. M., Analysis of Animal Production Problems in Somalia
Guleed H. A., Warfa A. A., Bornstein S., A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of a Water Extract of a Traditional Used Medicine Plant
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 623
Abstract: Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Somali Studies (May, 1986). The volume is divided in seven sections: I - Linguistics, II - Literature and Folklore, III - Medicine and Traditional Medicine, IV - History, Anthropology and Archeology, V - Social Sciences, VI - Aspects of Development and Economy, VII- Natural and Applied Sciences._-_Ururinta maqaalladii kaqaybgalayaasha shirweynihii III ee caalamiga ee Daraasaadka Soomaaliyeed (mey 1986 Roma. Maq1aalladahaas 7 qayb ayaa loo kala saaray: I- cilmi-afeedka, II- Suugaanta iyo folkoloorka, III- Daawada iyo dawada dhaqanka,IV- Taariikhda, antrobooloji iyo degelbaarista, V- Culuunta bulshada, VI- arrimaha horumarka iyo dhaqaalaha, VII- Culuunta dabiiciga. )._-_Raccolta dei contributi dei relatori del III Congresso Internazionale di Studi Somali (maggio 1986). La raccolta è divisa in 7 parti: I - Linguistica, II - Letteratura e Folclore, III - Medicina e Medicina Tradizionale, IV - Storia, Anthropologia e Archeologia, V - Scienze Sociali, VI - Aspetti dello Sviluppo e dell'Economia, VII- Scienze Naturali e Applicate.
Goobta: Roma
ISBN: 88-7002-419-9
Af: en
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