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Title: FAAFIN RASMI AH L. 8 Tr. 1 AGOSTO 1974
Issue Date: 1-Aug-1974
Title Act: LAW L. 23 1974-07-18 Magacaabid Gobolka Banaadir.
LAW L. 24 1974-07-18 Toosinta Sharciga Wakaaladda Horumarinta Xoolaha ee lambarkiisu yahay 34 soo baxay 26 Juunyo 1970.
DECREE of the Ministry of Domestic Trade L. 76 1974-07-08 Qiimaha Barriska Caadiga ah.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 72 1974-05-18 Guri daar ah oo ay kadatay Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgarsiinta kuna yaal Magaalada Cee-Dheer.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 73 1974-05-18 Siismo dhul Dawladeed la siyay Jaalle Xashi Cali Hoshi, Xafadda Hodan mq. 405.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 63 1974-03-17 Magacaabid Guddoomiyayaal Maxkamadda Gobolka iyo Kuxigeenka Xeer Ilaaliye Guud.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 69 1974-11-24 Siismo dhul la siyay Dugsi Sare iyo Masjid (Diini ah) lagu magacabay (Shiikh Nuur).
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 64 1974-04-17 Dallacaad siiyay Dhamme Moxamed Jaamac Ducaale derejada Gaashaanle.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 65 1974-04-17 Dallacaad la siiyay Dhamme Jaamac Cali Maax derejada Gaashaanle.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 66 1974-04-17 Dallacaad la siiyay Dhamme Axmed Xasan Xuseen derejada Gaashaanle.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 71 1974-04-21 Siismo dhul la siyay Jaalle Aamin Cumar Elayh.
BANKIGA QARANKA SOOMAALIYEED Ogeysiis Heerka Sarrifka Lacagaha Qalaad. (165)
BANKIGA QARANKA SOOMAALIYEED Ogeysiis Heerka Sarrifka Lacagaha Qalaad. (164)
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA XAMAR Ogeysiis dhumid Buugga L. 1.61 — Cusman Cabdalla Abikar. (163)
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA XAMAR Ogeysiis dhumid Buugga L. 1286 — Xamuud Axmed Call (162)
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA XAMAR Ogeysiis dhumid Jeeg L. 048199 - Taliska Ciidanka Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed (161)
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 75 1974-06-02 Siismo dhul Dawladeed la siyay Jaalle Xaji Cabdalla Cali (Ja-raadi) kuna yaal magaaladda Baydhaba.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 74 1974-06-02 Siismo dhul Dawladeed la siyey Jaalle Axmed Maxamud Cadde kuna yaal magaalad Xamar Xafadda Hcdan.
DECREE of the Ministry of Interior L. 68 1974-06-18 Magacaabid idaaradda Gudiga Kacaanka beesha.
DECREE of the Ministry of Interior L. 67 1974-06-18 Magacaabid Guddoomiyaal Degmo.
LAW L. 21 1974-06-05 Meelmarinta heshiisyada deynta horumarinta Xoolaha ee Juba.
LAW L. 20 1974-06-01 Meelmarin heshiis daynta Jarmarka ee Soomatex.
LAW No. 24 1974-07-18 Amendment to law n.34 of 26 June June 1970, Governing livestock Development.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 70 1973-12-30 Siismo dhul Dawladeed la siyay Naji Salax Abukar.
LAW L. 22 1974-07-18 Isbaddelkii laad miisaaniyadda 1974.
S.I.C.S., S.p.A. — Iska Shadata Warshadaha Ganacsiga Soomaaliyeed Muqdisho. Ogeysiis Isugu yeerid fadhiiguguud oo caadiga ahaa iyo kan caadiga ahayu. (166)
Appears in Collections:Archivio Leggi della Somalia (1950-1989)

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