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Issue Date: 1-Dec-1975
Title Act: LAW No. 83 1975-11-18 Instrument of Ratification.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 167 1975-10-26 Magacaabid Guddiyada Kacaanka ee Gobolka Gedo qaybtooda Wakiilada Beesha.
DECREE of the Ministry of Commerce L. 168 1975-10-14 Habka Gadashada Faleenka wadanka Gudihiisa.
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 3-11-1975, Lumid buuga kaydka L. 748-4 So.Shs. 1.075 u leyahay Xasan Maxamed Sheegow (293).
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 166 1975-09-27 Dallacaad.
LAW L. 83 1975-11-18 Nuqul Carabi ah.
LAW L. 83 1975-11-18 Heshiis ku saabsan dhismaha Xoogga Korontada.
LAW L. 82 1975-11-18 Nuqul Carabi ah.
LAW L. 82 1975-11-18 Heshishiis Ganacsi iyo dlaqaale dhexmaray J.D.S. iyo Dowladda Qadar.
DECREE of the Ministry of Commerce L. 170 1975-12-15 Diiwaan Gelinta Iskashatada Xijiga «Hodon ee Qardo.
DECREE of the Ministry of Commerce L. 169 1975-12-15 Diiwaan Gelinta Iskaashatada Ganacsiga Muuska Biseel ee Shalambot.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 165 1975-08-31 Dallacaad.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 163 1975-08-31 Dalacaad Saraakiil.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 164 1975-08-31 Dalacsiin Sarkaal.
LAW L. 84 1975-11-20 Wax ka beddelka Taariifada furdadaha lagu ogolaada Dekreetada Sharciga ah ee 1 r. 5 ee 11-12-1068,
DECREE of the Ministry of Commerce L. 171 1975-12-15 Diiwaan Gelinta Iskaashatada Rootiga «Murucmaal» ee Magaaladda Jilib.
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA BANAADIR, 6-11-1975, Lumid jeeg wareega L. 15563 So.Shs. 1.200 u leyahay Cali Xasan Xirsi (294).
Appears in Collections:Archivio Leggi della Somalia (1950-1989)

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