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Title: FAAFIN RASMI AH L. 11 Tr. 1 NOFEMBRE 1974
Issue Date: 1-Nov-1974
Title Act: DECREE of the Ministry of Domestic Trade L. 119 1974-10-09 Qiimaha Burka Dalka ka baxa.
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA HARGEYSA Ogeysiis Lumid Buug L. 648-7 — Cali Xaaji Maxamed Axmed. (235)
MAXKAMADDA GOBOLKA TOGDHEER EE BURCO, Ogeysiis Lumid Jeed L. 13127 — Xasan Cabdi Maxamed. (234)
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD Naada Dhul Jaalle Faadumo Cabdi Cabduraxman. (233)
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD Naada Dhul Jaalle Cabdullahi Cilmi Ceynaan. (232)
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD Naada Dhul Jaalle Jibriil Cali Xuseen. (231)
WASAARADDA HAWLAHA GUUD Naada Dhul Jaalle Xaaji Cumar Maxamuud Weheliye. (230)
LAW L. 42 1974-10-05 Meelmarin Heshiis.
LAW L. 41 1974-10-03 Wax ka beddelid sharciga tirsigiisu yahay 12 ee soo baxay 26 Sebt. 1964, ku saabsan Macaamilka Dhaqaale oo lala yeesho Dibedda.
LAW L. 40 1974-10-03 Wax ka beddelid sharciga Maxkamadda Badbaadada Dalka Sharci L. 3 ee 10kii Jan. 1970.
LAW L. 39 1974-10-01 Beddelaad Xeer iyo Kordhin.
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 120 1974-03-10 Sismo Dhul Dawladeed la siiyey Sheekh Cali Maxamed Cusmaan.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 116 1973-07-15 Amendment by local Government Service Regulation No. 4 of 15th July 1973.
DECREE of the Ministry of Interior L. 118 1974-01-01 Degmooyin laga wareejiyey Darajada (C) loona wareejiey Darajada (B).
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 121 1974-08-27 Dhul gatay Sacida Xaaji Diriye Xirsi Ku fadhiya mq. 2.600 kuna yaal Magaalada Xamar Jidka Afgooye.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 115 1974-08-01 Bilaad Qalin ah oo Hawlkarnimo oo lagu xusuusto G. Dh. Daahir Maxamed Diirye.
DECREE of the President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council L. 117 1974-10-01 Xeer Dawladeed ku saabsan Diiwaan - Gelinta Iskaashatooyinka Ganacsiga .
DECREE of the Ministry of Public Works L. 122 1974-08-27 Dhul gatay Jaalle Imaaciil Xaaji Maxamed Muuse, Muqdisho Valle Nord mq. 900.
BOLIMOG S.p.A. — Avviso di convocazione di Assemblea Generale Ordinaria. (522 Bis)
Appears in Collections:Archivio Leggi della Somalia (1950-1989)

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