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Title: | [Dugsi Quraan I - Scuola coranica I] | Recording Author: | Xaaji Maxamed Libaan, Fiqiburaale, Cali Mudiir, Ciise Maxamed Sigaad | Discipline: | Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::dhaqameed Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Diin Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Culturale Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::RELIGIONE Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::cultural Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Religion |
Keywords: | dugsi Quraan tahliil looxgaab qarbax subac qalinjebis scuola coranica Corano tahliil looxgaab qarbax subac qalinjebis madrassa Quran Islam |
Type of recording: | Conversazione | Issue Date: | 28-May-2013 | Type: | Sound | Call Number: | Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali : | Abstract: | Maaddaama dadka Soomaaliyeed la yiraahdo waa dad Islaam ah boqolkiiba boqol, waxaa halkan laga warramayaa sida uu u soo aasaasmo dugsi Quraanku iyo hadba marxaladda uu maraayo, waxa waajibka laga doonaayo macallinka, ardada waxaa laga doonaayo, sida loo soo tarbiyeeyo, sida wax loo baro iyo sida loo qatimo._-_Durante questa conversazione gli anziani presentano il modo in cui veniva organizzata e gestita la scuola coranica, gli oneri della famiglia dello studente e della comunità nei confronti l’insegnante, i doveri dello studente, il rapporto tra le famiglie degli studenti e il maestro e il modo in cui si insegnava il testo sacro ai bambini._-_In this conversation the elders turn their attention to the organization and the management of Islamic schools, the duties for the family, the student and the community, vis-à-vis the teacher. The students obligations the relationship between the students’ families and the teacher, as well as the teaching method for children are also discussed. | Description: | Haasaawe badan oo laga duubay siddeetameeyadii odayaal ka shaqaynaayay Akadeemiyada Cilmiga iyo Fanka iyo Suugaanta ee Muqdisho iyagoo ka hadlaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka ee bulshada soomaaliyeed._-_Registrazioni audio di conversazioni intercorse tra anziani dell'Accademia delle Scienze, delle Arti e della Letteratura di Mogadiscio negli anni '80, su temi relativi alla cultura e alla società tradizionali somale._-_Conversations between Elders of the Academy of Science, Arts and Literature on arguments related with Somali culture, society and traditions, recorded in Mogadishu in the 80's. | Location: | Mogadiscio | URI: | | Language: | so | Duration: | 86' | Format: | Audiocassetta |
Appears in Collections: | Audio - Maqal - Audios |
Files in This Item:
File | Description | Size | Format | |
59 - LA SCUOLA CORANICA - traduz.pdf | 37.76 kB | Adobe PDF | View/Open | |
59 - DUGSI QURAAN I.pdf | 55.84 kB | Adobe PDF | View/Open | |
Dugsi Quraan I - 59b.wav | 236.15 MB | WAV | View/Open | |
Dugsi Quraan I - 59a.wav | 253.38 MB | WAV | View/Open |
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