Adeegso tilmaantan si aad u carrabbaabdo ama ugu samayso link qoraalkan
Cinwaan: Brief Theoretical Outline of 21st October Revolution
Diyaariye: Public Relations Office
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Archaeology and history::contemporary
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Arkiyooloji iyo taariikh::waqtiga la jooga
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA::Contemporanea
Ereyga furaha: history
military regime
21st October Revolution
scientific socialism
Mohamed Siyad Barre
xukun militari
21 Oktoobar ee kacaanka
haantiwadaagga cilmiyaysan
Maxamed Siyaad barre
regime militare
Rivoluzione del 21 ottibre
socialismo scientifico
Mohamed Siad Barre
Taariikhda qoraalka: 11-May-2017
Nooca: Book
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 69
Abstract: The volume, published with a preface by the General Mohamed Siyad Barre, provides the theoretical background to the 21st October revolution in 1969 and the meaning of scientific socialism.
Buuggaani, oo hordhaciisa uu sameeyay Janaraal Siyaad barre, wuxuu ka hadlayaa waxyaabaha ka horreeyay Kacaanka oo taageeraya Kacaankii 21 Oktoobar 1969 iyo micnaha hantiwadaagga cilmiyaysan.
Il volume, pubblicato con la prefazione del Generale Siad Barre, illustra lo sfondo teorico a sostegno della Rivoluzione del 21 ottobre 1969 e il significato di socialismo scientifico.
Sifayn: Document provided to the Somali Studies Centre by lawyer Abdullahi Darman.
Qareen Cabdullaahi Darmaan ayaa dokumentigan ku deeqay Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed (Centro Studi Somali).
Documento messo a disposizione del Centro Studi Somali dall'Avv. Abdullahi Darman.
Goobta: Mogadiscio
Af: en
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