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Title: Somalia: What should be done? (Working copy)
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History::cooperation
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh::iskaashi
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA::Cooperazione
Keywords: development cooperation
international community
horumar iskaashi
beesha caalamka
fkorsaar la'aan
cooperazione allo sviluppo
comunità internazionale
no profit
Issue Date: 22-Mar-2017
Type: other
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Pages: 107
Abstract: Documento di lavoro relativo all'incontro "Somalia: What should be done?" promosso da diverse realtà del terzo settore italiane: CESPI, CISP, IPALMO e MOLISV. Il documento contiene informazioni sulla situazione politica ed economica, sui metodi di cooperazione, sul settore sociale e relativo sviluppo e sulle infrastrutture; le conclusioni riportano una serie di proposte relativamente agli interventi che la comunità internazionale dovrebbe intraprendere nell'ambito della cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Dukumenti ku saabsan shir loga hadlaayay "Somalia: What should be done?", waxaana soo qabanqaabiyay ONG-yo Talyaani oo ka mida ah: CESPI, CISP, IPALMO iyo MOLISV. Waxaa dukumentigan ku urursan xog ku saabsan: xaaladda siyaasadeed iyo dhaqaaleed, habka iskaashiga, arrimaha horumarka bulshada iyo kaabayaasha; gabaggabadii waxaa halkaa laga soo jeediyay talooyin badan oo la xiriira sidii beesha caalmku ay wax uga qaban lahayd iskaashiga xagga horumarka.
Working document about the meeting "Somalia: What should be done?" promoted by the different realities of the non-profit Italian sector: CESPI, CISP, IPALMO and MOLISV. The document contains information on the political and economic situation, the methods of cooperation, the social sector and its development and the infrastructures; the conclusions report a series of proposals concerning the activities that the international community should undertake within the development cooperation field.
Location: Italia
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Documenti Inediti - Qoraallo aan la daabacin - Unpublished Documents

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