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Cinwaan: The Origins and Development of Mogadishu AD 1000 to 1850: a Study of Urban Growth along the Benadir Coast of Southern Somalia
Qore: Ahmed Dualeh Jama
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Archaeology and history
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Arkiyooloji iyo taariikh
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA
Ereyga furaha: urbanism
Southern Somalia
Benadir region
Shebelle river
koofur Soomaaliya
gobolka Banaadir
webi Shabeelle
Somalia meridionale
regione del Benadir
fiume Scebeli
Taariikhda qoraalka: 1996
Tifaftire: Uppsala University
Nooca: article
Nuxurka ku: Studies in African Archaeology
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Bog: 139
Abstract: This study deals with the development of urbanism in southern Somalia. It is based on oral, historical and archaeological sources from AD 1000 to 1850. The relationship between the coast and the interior of the Benadir region and the role of the Shabelle River flood plain in the development of the towns are studied. The importance of the hinterland resources and the maritime trade, in the development of towns in the Benadir region is shown.
Daraasaddani waxay ka hadlaysaa koboca magaalaynta ee Koofur Soomaaliya. Waxayna ku salaysantahay macluumaad laga helay: hadal aan qornayn, taariikh iyo arkiyooloji oo taariikhdoodu tahay laga billaabo marka sannadka miilaaddiyadu ay ahayd 1000 ilaa 1850. Wuxuu falanqaynayaa xiriirka ka dhexeeyay degaanka xeebaha iyo miyiga u dhow gobolka Banaadir iyo dowrka uu webiga Shabeele ka qaatay koboca magaalada. Daraasaddu waxay kaloo ka hadlaysaa muhimmadda khayraadka miyiga iyo midka ganacsiga badeed ee ay u lahaayeen magaalooyinka Banaadir.
Questo studio tratta lo sviluppo dell'urbanistica nella Somalia meridionale e si basa su fonti orali, storiche e archeologiche risalenti dal 1000 al 1850. Sono analizzati il legame tra costa e interno nella regione del Benadir e il ruolo della golena del fiume Scebeli nello sviluppo delle città. Lo studio tratta inoltre l'importanza delle risorse dell'entroterra e del commercio marittimo relativamente alle città del Benadir.
Af: en
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