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Title: The struggle for land in Southern Somalia. The war behind the war
Editors: Cassanelli, Lee V.
Basteman, Catherine
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Archaeology and history::contemporary
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Arkiyooloji iyo taariikh::waqtiga la jooga
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA::Contemporanea
Keywords: politics
economic resources
southern Somalia
ilo dhaqaale
Koofur Soomaaliya
risorse economiche
possesso di terre
Somalia meridionale
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Westview Press; Haan
Type: Book
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Pages: 256
Abstract: The volume gathers the contrubutions of several scholars about the struggle for resources (land and labour) in southern Somalia, how this local struggle is intertwined with national and international ones, and how Somali conflict is not only a clan-based war but also an ethnic and class conflict.
Buugga waxaa ku urursan qaraallo ay diyaariyeen dhowr qorayaal, waxayna la xiriiraan dagaallada ka jira Koofur Soomaaliya xagga ilaha dhaqaale (dhul iyo shaqo), arrintaanna waxay madaxa la geleysaa arrimaha qaranka iyo kuwa caalamka, iyo sida dagaalka Soomaalidu uusan u ahayn mid iskudhac reero, laakiinse uu yahay mid ka dhexeeya qabaa'il iyo dabaqaad.
Il volume raccoglie contributi di diversi autori relativi alla lotta per le risorse (terra e lavoro) nella Somalia meridionale, il modo in cui questa lotta si intreccia con quelle nazionale e internazionale, e come il conflitto somalo non è solo un conflitto clanico ma presenta caratteri etnici e di classe.
Description: Document provided to the Somali Studies Centre by lawyer Abdullahi Darman.
Qareen Cabdullaahi Darmaan ayaa dokumentigan ku deeqay Xarunta Cilmibaarista (Centro Studi Somali).
Documento messo a disposizione del Centro Studi Somali dall'Avv. Abdullahi Darman.
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Libri - Buugaag - Books

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