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Cinwaan: Colonial period building on the lower Juba
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Archaeology and history::colonial
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Arkiyooloji iyo taariikh::xillaga gumaysiga
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA::Coloniale
Ereyga furaha: Jubaland
government buildings
daar dowladeed
edificio governativo
Taariikhda qoraalka: 20-Oct-2016
Taariikhda la sameeyay: 1988
Nooca: Image
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Image subject: Photo taken in 1988, at the mouth of the Juba, on the north side of the river. This area, known as Jubaland, was once under British colonial control.
Sawir muujinaya meesha webiga Jubba uu ku dhammaado, waxaana la qaaday 1988. Degaankaas oo loo yaqaan Jubbaland, wuxuu ka tirsanaa degaannada Ingiriisika gumaystay.
Foto scattata nel 1988, alla foce del fiume. Quest'area, conosciuta come Giubaland è stata sotto il controllo del dominio coloniale inglese.
Sifayn: Image taken from the website "Mogadishu: Images from the past" ( and included in the Somali Archive with the permission of the owner of the collection, Mr. Davies.
Image taken from the website "Mogadishu: Sawirkan oo laga soo qaatay mareegta " ( waxaa lagu biiriyay Kaydka Soomaaliyeed, kaddib markii laga helay ruqsad milkiilaha sawirkan, Mr. Davies.
Immagine tratta dal sito "Mogadishu: Images from the past" ( e inclusa nell'Archivio Somalia con il consenso del curatore della collezione Rick Davies.
Goobta: Kismaayo
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Immagini - Sawirro - Images

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