Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://hdl.handle.net/2307/5100
Titolo: Power generating unit for the future more electric aircraft : power electronic converter modelling and design
Autori: Lo Calzo, Giovanni
Relatore: Crescimbini, Fabio
Parole chiave: high speed
more electric aircraft
silicon carbide
power generating unit
Data di pubblicazione: 18-giu-2015
Editore: Università degli studi Roma Tre
Abstract: This thesis deals with the performance assessment of different permanent magnet motor drives topologies for Starter/Generator systems in aircraft applications. The comparison will focus on power electronics topologies, evaluating, by means of simulations performed with Matlab/Simulink and Plexim Plecs, some relevant key points such as efficiency, losses and motor current harmonic distortion. For all the topologies, simulations will be carried out considering both 2-Levels and 3- Levels converter structures, and different machine rangements. All the power electronics systems data are obtained from off-the-shelf power modules characteristics, both Silicon and Silicon Carbide technology based. Starting from the comparison results, the topology showing the best compromise between efficiency and current THD will be analytically modelled, and a specific control algorithm will be derived to evaluate across all the operating points the performance of the proposed power electronic arrangement. An accurate prototype design will then be discussed, focusing on the challenging aspects related to the chosen topology, and an extensive experimental tests campaign will be carried out in order to validate the proposed power electronics topologies comparison.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2307/5100
Diritti di Accesso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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