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Title: Midaynta iyo Horumarinta Af-soomaaliga
Authors: Cabdalla Cumar Mansuur
Book Authors: Cabdirashid M. Ismaaciil, Cabdalla C. Mansuur, Saynab A. Sharci (eds.)
Keywords: af Soomaali
alifba'da Soomaaliyeed
midaynta afka
af shisheeye
lingua somala
ortografia somala
lingua standard
lingua straniera
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Akadeemiye-Goboleedka Af-soomaaliga (Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language)
Type: bookPart
Journal: Afmaal. Proceedings of the Conference on the 40th Anniversary of Somali Orthography. Djibouti, 17th-21st December 2012
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Pages: 17-35
Abstract: Qoraagu wuxuu maqaalkan ku falanqaynayaa arrimo ku saabsan midaynta af Soomaaliga qoran, oo dadka qaarkood ay ku doodaan in ay dhibaato ka taagantahay, iyagoo u aanaynaya kala duwanaanta lahjadaha Soomaaliyeed iyo farta af Soomaaliga oo aan xasillayn. Qoraha oo soo bandhigayaa in arrimahaasu aanu sax ahayn, wuxuuna muujinayaa caqabadaha dhabta ah ee hortaagan houmarinta af Soomaaliga: afku wuxuu la'yahay dawlad si rasmi ah u adeegsato, weerar ba'anna waxaa ku haya af Ingiriisiga, xagga ereyadana nabaadguur xooggan ayaa ku dhacaya, gaar ahaan ereyada la xiriira dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed.
L'autore, in questo articolo, analizzando la questione della lingua somala scritta, cerca di illustrare che la situazione del somalo standard non è cosi problematica come a detta di alcuni somali, specialmente, nell'ortografia e nella differenza tra i dialetti, ma il problema somalo è bensì riscontrabile in altri fattori: la mancanza di un stato che continui ad adottare il somalo come lingua ufficiale, l'estinzione di tantissimi vocaboli in disuso, nonché la forte influenza dalla lingua inglese.
The author in this article, in analysing the written somali language, wants to show the somali standard situation is not so bad, like some Somalis say, especially in orthography and in vernaculars difference. In spite of, the somali language problem is recognisable in some others factors: lack of state that usually chooses somali language as official language, extinction of many terms in disuse and also the strong influence of English.
Language: so
Appears in Collections:Capitoli di Libri - Cutubyo Buugaag - Chapters in Volume

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