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Title: [Ka-shaqaynta haragga II - Lavorazione della pelle II]
Recording Author: Cali Mudiir
Fiqi Buraale
Axmad Nuur
Aw Daahir Afqarshe
Shiikh Abbuu
Discipline: Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::dhaqameed
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Culturale
Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::cultural
Keywords: farsamo gacmeed
khabiir daawo soomaali
harga samaynta
medico tradizionale
manufatti in pelle
traditional healer
leather products
hand tool
Type of recording: Conversazione
Issue Date: 18-Dec-2014
Type: Sound
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Abstract: Odayaashu waxay ka hadlayaan farsamo-gacmeedda soomaaliyeed, oo u gaar ah kooxda loo yaqaan Midgo, gaar ahaan waxyaabaha ay ka sameeyaan haragga (kabo, agab, qalab shaqo, aqabbile iyo aqabka loo adegsado halmaalmeedka). Waxayna mararka qaarkood soo hadalqaadaan dadka wax ku daaweeya daawo soomaalida.
In questa conversazione gli anziani parlano in generale degli artigiani somali, appartenenti al gruppo denominato Migdan, e in particolare dei loro manufatti di pelle (scarpe, utensili, strumenti di lavoro, suppellettili e oggetti di uso domestico). Accennano inoltre al ruolo talvolta da loro rivestito di medici tradizionali.
In this conversation the elders talk about Somali artisans, belonging to the group called Migdan, and in particular about their leather products (shoes, hand tools, furnishings and household objects). In addition, they mention their role as traditional doctors.
Description: Haasaawe badan oo laga duubay siddeetameeyadii odayaal ka shaqaynaayay Akadeemiyada Cilmiga iyo Fanka iyo Suugaanta ee Muqdisho iyagoo ka hadlaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka ee bulshada soomaaliyeed.
Registrazioni audio di conversazioni intercorse tra anziani dell'Accademia delle Scienze, delle Arti e della Letteratura di Mogadiscio negli anni '80, su temi relativi alla cultura e alla società tradizionali somale.
Conversations between Elders of the Academy of Science, Arts and Literature on arguments related with Somali culture, society and traditions, recorded in Mogadishu in the 80's.
Location: Mogadiscio
Language: so
Duration: 90'
Format: Audiocassetta
Appears in Collections:Audio - Maqal - Audios

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19_Lavorazione della pelle I.pdf84.5 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
19_Ka shaqaynta haragga I.pdf128.76 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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