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Title: Beyond Polarity: Negotiating a Hybrid State in Somaliland
Authors: Walls, Michael
Kibble, Steve
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA
Keywords: political science
state building
Horn of Africa
culuun siyaasadee
qaran dhisid
Geeska Afrika
scienze politiche
costruzione dello Stato
Corno d'Africa
Issue Date: Jul-2005
Publisher: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Type: article
Journal: Africa Spectrum
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Issue Number: 1
Pages: 31-56
Abstract: This contribution argues that the remarkable resilience of the present socio-political system in Somaliland is challenged by present and forthcoming problems in the fields of democratic representation (inter alia of women), delivery of public goods, a fragile sub-regional context and foreign investment.
Maqaalkani wuxuu muujinayaa nidaamka bulsho siyaasadeed ee Somaliland in uusan weli hanan sidii la rabay, waxaana muujinayaa dhibaatooyinka haatan taagan iyo kuwa mustaqbalka, markii laga eego habka loo adeegssado dimuqaraadiyadda, habka loo qaybiyay hantida guud, arrimaaha goboleed oo aan fiicnayn iyo maalgelinti dibadeed.
Quest'articolo sostiene che la capacità di recupero del sistema socio-politico attuale in Somaliland è messa in discussione da problemi attuali e futuri nel campo della rappresentanza democratica (anche delle donne), della distribuzione dei beni pubblici, del contesto sub-regionale fragile e degli investimenti esteri.
Rights: Link:
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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