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Title: Performing the Eradication of Infibulation. Mana Abdurahman Isse at Merka, Somalia
Authors: Busatta, Sandra
Keywords: infibulation
female genital mutilation
gudniika haweenka
Maana Abduraxmaan
mutilazioni genitali femminili
Mana Abdurahman Isse
Issue Date: Dec-2008
Publisher: Antrocom Onlus
Type: article
Journal: Antrocom : Online Journal of Anthropology
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Issue Number: 2
Pages: 139-144
Abstract: The article presents an attempt of eradication of infibulation in Somalia, focusing on the figure of Mana Abdurahman Isse, the mother of Ayuub, a refugee village in the outskirts of Merka grown into a healthy model community.
Maqaalku wuxuu muujinayaa isku daygii lagu ciribtiri lahaa gudniinka fircooniga oo ka socday Soomaaliya, isagoo diiradda saaraya shakhsiyadda Maana Cabduraxmaan oo ah qofta aasaastay xerada qaxootiga ee Ayuub, oo ah tuulo ku taalla duleedka Marka, taasoo noqotay mid lagu daydo.
L'articolo presenta un tentativo di eradicazione dell'infibulazione in Somalia incentrato sulla figura di Mana Abdurahman Isse, la fondatrice di Ayuub, un villaggio di profughi alla periferia di Merka diventato una comunità-modello.
Rights: Link:
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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