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Title: L'après-Mengistu dans la Corne de l'Afrique: une stabilisation impossible?
Authors: Marchal, Roland
Discipline: Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA
Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History
Keywords: siyaasad
Geeska Afrika
dheellitir goboleed
Corno d'Africa
equilibri regionali
Horn of Africa
regional balances
Issue Date: 1992
Type: article
Journal: Cultures et conflits
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Pages: 14
Abstract: Baaba'ii nidaamka Sovietka iyo dhamaashaha hardanka labada siyaasadeed wax uma tarin nabadda Geeska Afrika. Horumarkii goboleed ee Geeska Afrika - Itoobiya, Suudaan, Soomaaliya iyo Jabuuti - waxaa weli saamayn ku leh arrimaha gudaha iyo caalamka.
Il crollo del sistema sovietico e la fine del bipolarismo non hanno contribuito alla pace nel Corno d'Africa. Gli sviluppi regionali - in Etiopia, Sudan, Somalia o Gibuti - continuano ad essere influenzati, non tanto da fattori esterni come il ruolo svolto dai sovietici, quanto da un fenomeno di risonanze interne e internazionali.
The collapse of the Soviet system and the end of bipolarity have not contributed to peace in the Horn of Africa. Regional developments - whether in Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia or even Djibouti - continue being influenced, not so much by external factors and the role played by the Soviets, than by a phenomenon of internal and international resonances.
Rights: Link:
Language: fr
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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