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Cinwaan: Multiple oral traditions and ethno-historical issues among the Gosha: three examples
Qore: Declich, Francesca
Qorayaasha buugga: Mohamed Mohamed Abdi (a cura di)
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::cultural
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::dhaqameed
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Culturale
Ereyga furaha: oral tradition
Gosha people
Juba river
Southern Somalia
hiddo afeed
reer Goleedka
webi Jubba
xeebta koofur Soomaaliya
tradizione orale
fiume Giuba
Somalia meridionale
Taariikhda qoraalka: 1993
Tifaftire: Les Belles Lettres
Nooca: bookPart
Nuxurka ku: Anthropologie somalienne. Actes du IIe Colloque des Etudes Somaliennes (Besançon - 8/11 octobre 1990)
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 87-99
Abstract: In this article, the author discusses aspects of the oral tradition of the Gosha people who live along the Juba River in Southern Somalia.
Qoruhu wuxuu maqaalkan ku lafagurayaa habka aan qornayn ee reer Goleedku ay isugu gudbiyaan dhaqankooda, kuwaasoo degaankooda ku dhereran webiga Jubba ee koofur Soomaaliya.
Nell'articolo, l'autrice discute aspetti della tradizione orale della popolazione Gosha stanziata lungo il fiume Giuba, nella Somalia meridionale.
Af: en
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Capitoli di Libri - Cutubyo Buugaag - Chapters in Volume

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Fayl Sifayn BaacFayl
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