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Cinwaan: Humanitarian and Development Aid in the Third World - The Somali Case
Qore: Abdulkarim Ahmed Guleid
Qorayaasha buugga: Labahn, Thomas (ed.)
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA
Ereyga furaha: refugees
humanitarian aid
development aid
Third World
taageero horumarineed
dunida saddexaad
aiuto umanitario
aiuti allo sviluppo
Terzo Mondo
Taariikhda qoraalka: 1984
Tifaftire: Helmut Buske Verlag Hamburg
Nooca: bookPart
Nuxurka ku: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Vol. IV: Studies in humanities and natural sciences
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 113-129
Abstract: In this paper the author describes its experience as a volunteer in the refugee programme in the early 1980s, pointing out the full support and cooperation of the Somali authorities.
Qoruhu wuxuu maqaalkani ku soo bandhigayaa khibraddiisi xagga gargaarka qaxootiga ee uu ka qabtay sannadihii ugu horreeyey ee 1980, isagoo hoosta ka xarriiqayo taageerada iyo wadada shaqaynta uu ka helay dowladda soomaaliyeed.
In questo articolo l'autore descrive la sua esperienza come volontario nel programma per i rifugiati nei primi anni 1980, sottolineando il pieno sostegno e la cooperazione da parte delle autorità somale.
ISBN: 3-87118-694-5
Af: en
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Capitoli di Libri - Cutubyo Buugaag - Chapters in Volume

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