Adeegso tilmaantan si aad u carrabbaabdo ama ugu samayso link qoraalkan
Cinwaan: Orma and Somali Culture Sharing in the Juba Tana Region
Qore: Kelly, Hilary
Qorayaasha buugga: Labahn, Thomas (ed.)
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA
Ereyga furaha: culture
Orma people
Somali people
dadka Orma ah
dadka soomaaliyeed
popolo orma
popolo somalo
Taariikhda qoraalka: 1984
Tifaftire: Helmut Buske Verlag Hamburg
Nooca: bookPart
Nuxurka ku: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Vol. IV: Studies in humanities and natural sciences
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 13-38
Abstract: This paper describes the culture sharing between Orma and Somali, mainly presenting the perspective of the Orma people.
Maqaalkaani wuxuu ka hadlayaa qaababka dhaqameed ee ay wadaagaan Ormada iyo Soomaalida, gaar ahaan isagoo ka eegaya sida dadyowga Ormada ahi ay u arkaan.
Questo articolo descrive gli aspetti culturali condivisi tra orma e somali, presentando in modo particolare il punto di vista del popolo orma.
ISBN: 3-87118-694-5
Af: en
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Capitoli di Libri - Cutubyo Buugaag - Chapters in Volume

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