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Cinwaan: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Vol. IV: Studies in humanities and natural sciences
Diyaariye: Labahn, Thomas
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Documents::cultural events
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Dokumentooyin::dhacdooyin dhaqameed
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::DOCUMENTI::Eventi Culturali
Ereyga furaha: congress
natural sciences
daraasaad fan
culuunta dabiiciga
studi umanistici
scienze naturali
Taariikhda qoraalka: 1984
Tifaftire: Helmut Buske Verlag Hamburg
Nooca: Book
Nuxurka ku: Editor's Preface
I.M.Lewis, The Child is Father of the Man: Some Problems of Somali Kinship Terminology
Hilary Kelly, Orma and Somali Culture Sharing in the Juba Tana Region
Virginia Luling, The Other Somali - Minority Groups in Traditional Somali Society
John Wood, Unchartered Territory between Relief and Development - A Comment on the Somali Emergencies
Julia Rudkin Jones, International Aid to Refugees in Somalia
Abdulkarim Ahmed Guleid, Humanitarian and Development Aid in the Third World - The Somali Case
Lutz Heide, The Refugee Health Unit of the Somali Ministry of Health - A History of an extraordinarily successful Somali Programme
Rosemary Kastner, The Development of Primary Health Care: Hiran Region Refugee Camps, March-December 1981
Alberto Antoniotto, Traditional Medicine in Somalia - An Anthropological Approach to the Concepts concerning Disease
Hassan I. Yussuf - Abdulaziz S. Adan - Kassim A. Egal - Abdurahman H. Omar - Maryam M. Ibrahim & Abdulahi S. Elmi, Traditional Medical Practices in Some Somali Communities
Abdulahi S. Elmi - Abdulahi M. Ahmed & Yacoub A. Abdi, Use of Plants in Somali Traditional Medicine
Emilio Tresalti, Scientific Medicine versus Traditional Medicine? Reflections on three years' Experience in a Somali Village
Khalif Bile, Hepatitis B Virus in Somalia
Edna Adan Ismail, Female Circumcision
Pia Grassivaro Gallo, The Relationship between Mental and Physical Variables in Somali Children
Dietrich Wiegand & Walter Marx, Serological Investigations into Antibodies against Brucella, Coxiella and Chlamydia in Serum of Domestic Animals in the Lower Juba Region
John A. Distefano, An Enquiry into the History of Qat
Abdullahi Sheikh Elmi, Khat: History, Spreading and Problems in Somalia
Wolfgang Voelter, Primary, Secondary and Third Level Education in Somalia
Yusuf Omer Ali, Science Policy in Somalia
Germano Grassivaro, Reflections and Proposals on Strengthening the Educational Sector in Somalia
Mostafa Kamel Elhag, The Role of the California State University, Fresno/World Bank Project in the Development of Management Education and Training in Somalia
A. Angelucci - M.A. Arush - F. Carbone & R. Matteucci, Outline of the Sedimentary Complexes in Somalia
Hans Wichart Schünemann, Exploration for Oil in Somalia
A. Angelucci - M.A. Arush - F. Carbone, R. Matteucci & A.A. Said, The Bajuni Islands: Some Observations on the Actual Sedimentation
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 372
Abstract: Fourth volume of the Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies ("Studies in humanities and natural sciences"), hosted at the University of Hamburg from 1st to 6th of August, 1983.
Buugga afaraad ee qoraallada shirwenihii caalamiga ee labaad ee Daraasaabka Soomaaliyeed ("Studies in humanities and natural sciences"), oo lagu qabtay Jaamacadda Hamburg 1-6 agosto 1983.
Quarto volume degli Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Studi Somali ("Studies in humanities and natural sciences"), tenuto presso l'Università di Amburgo dal 1 al 6 agosto 1983.
Goobta: Amburgo
ISBN: 3-87118-694-5
Af: en
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