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Showing results 25 to 44 of 299 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Jan-2011Backlund transformations and exact time-discretization for Gaudin and related modelsZullo, Federico
Sep-2009The bolometric luminosity of type 2 AGN from extinction-corrected [OIII]: no evidence of Eddington-limited sourcesLamastra, AlessandraBianchi, StefanoMatt, GiorgioPerola, Giuseppe CesareBarcons, X., et al
Jul-2008A broad-line region origin for the iron Kα line in NGC 7213Bianchi, StefanoLa Franca, FabioMatt, GiorgioGuainazzi, MatteoJimenez Bailon, Elena, et al
27-Jan-2009Buche quantiche di Si/SiGe : crescita e caratterizzazioneCiasca, Gabriele
15-Feb-2009Buckling of high natural slopes: The case of Lavini di Marco (Trento-Italy)Tommasi, PaoloVerrucci, LucaCampedel, PaoloVeronese, LuigiPettinelli, Elena, et al
Feb-2009CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive I. Spectral analysisBianchi, StefanoGuainazzi, MatteoMatt, GiorgioBonilla, N. FonsecaPonti, Gabriele
2009CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive II. Multiwavelength correlationsBianchi, StefanoBonilla, N. FonsecaGuainazzi, MatteoMatt, GiorgioPonti, Gabriele
1-Jan-2009Calibration and performances of the KLOE calorimeterAmbrosino, F.Antonelli, A.Antonelli, M.Archilli, F.Bacci, Cesare, et al
2005Caratterizzazione di dispositivi superconduttori per calcolo quantisticoSimeone, Daniela
23-Feb-2011Challenges for first-principles methods in theoretical and computational physics : multiple excitations in many-electrons systems and the Aharonov-Bohm effect in carbon nanotubesSangalli, Davide
26-Feb-2016CKM matrix elements from K and D decays on the latticeLami, Paolo
Aug-2009Comment on "Excess of Proton Mean Kinetic Energy in Supercooled Water'' ReplyPietropaolo, A.Senesi, R.Andreani, C.Botti, AlbertoRicci, Maria Antonietta, et al
22-Dec-2009Comparison of large-angle production of charged pions with incident protons on cylindrical long and short targetsApollonio, M.Artamonov, A.Bagulya, A.Barr, G.Blondel, A., et al
11-Jan-2008Complete loop quantum gravity graviton propagatorAlesci, Emanuele
13-Feb-2018Comptonization mechanisms in hot coronae in AGN. The NuSTAR viewTortosa, Alessia
31-Jan-2011Computer simulations on supercooled aqueous solutions : the effect of solutes on the liquid-liquid critical pointCorradini, Dario
26-Jul-2009Conductance anomalies in quantum point contactsFrucci, Giulia
Aug-2009Conduction band intersubband transitions in Ge/SiGe quantum wellsDe Seta, MonicaCapellini, GiovanniBusby, YanEvangelisti, FlorestanoOrtolani, Michele, et al
Apr-2009Construction and performances of a high granularity calorimeterBranchin, PaoloCeradini, FilippoCorradi, GiovanniDi Micco, BiagioLoffredo, Salvatore, et al