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Showing results 87 to 106 of 299 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009FCNC Processes in the LHT Model: a 2009 LookTarantino, Cecilia
Mar-2010FCNC processes in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity: an updateBlanke, MonikaBuras, Andrzej J.Duling, BjoernRecksiegel, StefanTarantino, Cecilia
Dec-2009First evidence of new physics in b ↔ s transitionsBona, MarcellaCiuchini, MarcoFranco, EnricoLubicz, VittorioMartinelli, Guido, et al
2007First lattice QCD Study of the Σ- --> n axial and vector form factors with SU(3) breaking correctionsGuadagnoli, DiegoLubicz, VittorioPapinutto, MauroSimula, Silvano
Mar-2009Flavor changing fermion-graviton verticesDegrassi, GiuseppeGabrielli, EmidioTrentadue, Luca
20-Feb-2013Flavorchanging processes of quarks and leptons as indirect probes of physics beyond the Standard ModelBlankenburg, Gianluca
16-Feb-2018Form factors of the D to pik ell nu semileptonic decays and determination of the CKM matrix elements |Vcd| and |Vcs| with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass Lattice QCDSalerno, Giorgio
30-Sep-2009Forward production of charged pions with incident protons on nuclear targets at the CERN Proton SynchrotronApollonio, M.Artamonov, A.Bagulya, A.Barr, G.Blondel, A., et al
2006Free geometry for higher-spin fieldsFrancia, Dario
23-Jan-2012La funzione di distribuzione dell’impulso del protone nell’acqua in diversi stati termodinamiciGiuliani, Alessia
29-Jun-2009Generation and characterization of spirally polarized fieldsRamírez-Sánchez, VictoriaPiquero, GemmaSantarsiero, Massimo
23-Feb-2011Generation and manipulation of multiphoton quantum fieldsVitelli, Chiara
31-Jul-2009A global fit to determine the pseudoscalar mixing angle and the gluonium content of the eta ' mesonAmbrosino, F.Antonelli, A.Antonelli, M.Archilli, F.Beltrame, P., et al
28-Jan-2011Growth of cosmological perturbations in Dark Energy universesDi Porto, Cinzia
19-Jun-2008Gutzwiller scheme for electrons and phonons: The half-filled Hubbard-Holstein modelBarone, PaoloRaimondi, RobertoCapone, MassimoCastellani, ClaudioFabrizio, Michele
2009The HELLAS2XMM survey - XII. The infrared/submillimetre view of anX-ray selected type 2 quasar at z approximate to 2Vignali, CristianPozzi, FrancescaFritz, JacopoComastri, AndreaGruppioni, Carlotta, et al
Apr-2009How complex is the obscuration in active galactic nuclei? new cluesfrom the suzaku monitoring of the x-ray absorbers in ngc 7582Bianchi, StefanoPiconcelli, EnricoChiaberge, MarcoJimenez Bailon, ElenaMatt, Giorgio, et al
13-Feb-2018Ice structures inside single wall carbon nanotubesPugliese, Pietro
28-Jan-2011Identificazione di AGN oscurati ad alto redshift attraverso spettroscopia a campo integrato nel vicino IRSarria Chavez, Julian Enrique
2006Il contenuto non-termico degli ammassi di galassieMarchegiani, Paolo