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Title: Siyaasadda dejinta & ujeeddoyinkeeda
Editors: Jamhuuriyadda Dimoqraadiga Soomaaliya
Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo Hanuuninta Dadweynaha
Discipline: Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA
Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History
Keywords: dejinta
Issue Date: Oct-1976
Type: Book
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Pages: 79
Abstract: Ummadda Soomaaliyeed boqoolkiiba 70% waxay ahayeen reer guuraa xoola dhaqato ah, oo dhinac keli ah ka qaba dhaqaalaha, hase ahaatee waxaa marnaa dhinacyo badan oo kale oo u baahnaa wax ka qabasho. Siyaasaddana waxay ahayd in laga fa’idaysto beeraha, kalluunka, macdanta iyo dhinacyo kale oo aan la taabnayn, sidaas darteed ayay lagama maarmaan u noqotay in dib loo habeeyo dejinta dadka si loogu qaybiyo, beeraley, xoolaley, kallumaysato, ganacsato iyo dad la baro xirfooyin kala duwan oo ku dhisan aqoon._-_La politica della sedentarizzazione e i suoi obiettivi. La popolazione somala era al settanta per cento costituita da pastori nomadi, che solo in parte contribuivano all’economia nazionale. Era necessario intervenire laddove vi erano risorse inutilizzate, come quelle minerarie o l’agricoltura e la pesca. Per questa ragione si riteneva indispensabile la sedentarizzazione della popolazione in modo da ripartire equilibratamente agricoltori, pastori, pescatori, commercianti e persone a cui insegnare arti e mestieri diversi._-_ Settlement policy and its objectives. The Somali population was 70% nomadic pastoralists, that were only partly active in the national economy. Interventions were required to exploit unused resources, namely mining, farming and fishing. This necessitated the balanced settlement of farmers, fishermen, shepherds and craftmen.
Location: Mogadiscio
Language: so
Appears in Collections:Libri - Buugaag - Books

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