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Title: [Dumar II - Donna II]
Recording Author: Sheekh Abuu, Axmed Nuur, Xaaji Maxamed Libaan, Cali Mudiir, Fiqiburaale, Dhegaweyne, Salaad, Aw Daahir AfQarshe
Discipline: Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::dhaqameed
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Culturale
Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::cultural
Keywords: haween
hawlaha beraha
età della donna
donna zone agricole
ages of women
farm working women
Type of recording: Conversazione
Issue Date: 28-May-2013
Type: Sound
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Abstract: Inta ay dooddan socotay waxaa laga doodeyaa ka qayb qaadashada dumarka hawlaha beeraha. Waxaa laga hadlaya ereyada ku saabsan wanaagga iyo iinta ay leeyihiin haweenka iyo da’dooda._-_Durante questa conversazione vengono descritte le competenze femminili nelle aree agricole. Si passa poi ad analizzare una ricca terminologia che sottolinea pregi, difetti e le età della donna._-_In this conversation womens’ skills in farm working are described. In-depth terminology stressing strengths and weaknesses, and different ages of women are analyzed.
Description: Haasaawe badan oo laga duubay siddeetameeyadii odayaal ka shaqaynaayay Akadeemiyada Cilmiga iyo Fanka iyo Suugaanta ee Muqdisho iyagoo ka hadlaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka ee bulshada soomaaliyeed._-_Registrazioni audio di conversazioni intercorse tra anziani dell'Accademia delle Scienze, delle Arti e della Letteratura di Mogadiscio negli anni '80, su temi relativi alla cultura e alla società tradizionali somale._-_Conversations between Elders of the Academy of Science, Arts and Literature on arguments related with Somali culture, society and traditions, recorded in Mogadishu in the 80's.
Location: Mogadiscio
Language: so
Duration: 90'
Format: Audiocassetta
Appears in Collections:Audio - Maqal - Audios

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