Immagini - Sawirro - Images : [1680] Celcelis

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Taariikhda dhigaalka in hoos u dhacaya order): 1 to 20 of 1680
Taariikhda daabacaaddaCinwaanQore/yaal
20-Sep-2017Markis, Anglis, linen, Siyaad
20-Mar-2017Somali women
3-Mar-2017Somalia Italiana - Venditore di Ferravecchi
3-Mar-2017Somalia Italiana - Fantasie Migiurtine
3-Mar-2017Mogadiscio - Corso Vittorio Emanuele
3-Mar-2017Mogadiscio - Cinema Italia
1934La Tribuna Illustrata
1-Mar-2017Djibouti - Palais du Gouvernement
1-Mar-2017Three aerial photos taken from a biplane in the 1930s
1957Mogadishu, 1882
27-Feb-2017Djibouti, circa 1907
27-Feb-2017Djibouti, circa 1951
27-Feb-2017Jaalle Maxamad Siyaad Barre
27-Feb-2017Ubadkii Maanta, Ubaxii Berito
24-Feb-2017Political parade
24-Feb-2017Mogadiscio – Campo Militare
24-Feb-2017Somalia – Mogadiscio – Le Officine Boero
24-Feb-2017Clothing and furnishings
24-Feb-2017Mogadiscio (Somalia Italiana) - Veduta di AmaruiniMancini, F.
13-Feb-2017Somalia – Vecchia Mogadiscio
Collection's Items (Sorted by Taariikhda dhigaalka in hoos u dhacaya order): 1 to 20 of 1680