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Cinwaan: The Ethnopolitical Situation in the Horn of Africa
Qore: Abdillahi H. Jama
Mowduuca: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Anthropology::ethnography
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Antaraboolooji::etnoogarafi
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::ANTROPOLOGIA::Etnografia
Ereyga furaha: Horn of Africa
socialcultural processes
ethnopolitical situation
Geeska Afrika
habsocod bulsho-dhaqan
xaaladda siyaasad qabyaaladaysan
Corno d'Africa
processi socioculturali
situazione etnopolitica
Taariikhda qoraalka: 27-Mar-2017
Taariikhda la sameeyay: 1993
Nooca: other
Goobta dokumentiga: Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali :
Bog: 13
Abstract: This article presents an in-depth reflection on the ethno transformational processes taking place in the Horn of Africa, with a focus on Ethiopia and Somalia. After a historical digression on ethnic evolution in the region, the author presents the current sistuation as a moment of ethnic self-awareness and the possible future developments.
maqaalku wuxuu si kafiirsasha leh uga baaradegayaa habsocodaka xagga isbeddelka qabyaaladeed ee ka socda Geeska Afrika, isagoo si gaar ah diradda u saaraya Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya. Kaddib markii gobolkaas uu hoosudhac qabyaaladeed ku dhacay, qoraagu wuxuu muujinayaa xaaladda haatan taagan, oo ah garawsashadii qabyaaladeed iyo suurtaggalka horumarka xilliga mustaqbalka.
L'articolo presenta una riflessione approfondita sui processi di trasformazione etnica in atto nel Corno d'Africa, con un focus su Etiopia e Somalia. Dopo una digressione storica sull'evoluzione etnica nella regione, l'autore presenta la situazione odierna come un momento di auto-consapevolezza etnica e quali sono i possibili scenari futuri.
Sifayn: Paper presented to the 1st Conference of the European Association of Somali Studies, London, SOAS.
Maqaalkan waxaa lagu soo bandhigy Shirweynihii koowaad ee Daraasaadka Soomaaliyeed ee ururka Yurub, London, SOAS.
Articolo presentato alla Prima Conferenza dell'Associazione Europea di Studi Somali, Londra, SOAS.
Goobta: London
Af: en
Wuxuu ka dhex muuqdaa ururinnada:Documenti Inediti - Qoraallo aan la daabacin - Unpublished Documents

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