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Title: Hassan Sheikh Muumin: The Hoobal as Creator, Preserver, and Social Critic of the National Heritage
Authors: Maryan Omer Ali
Lidwien Kapteijns
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Literature::poetry
Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Music::texts
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Suugaan::maanso
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Muusika::qoraallo
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::LETTERATURA::Poesia
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::MUSICA::Testi
Keywords: Hassan Sheikh Muumin
oral poetry
verbal performance
Xasan Sheekh Muumin
hees curiye
masraxiyad curiye
maanso aan qornayn
Hassan Sheikh Muumin
poesia orale
performance verbale
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Macalester College
Type: article
Journal: Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Pages: 121-130
Abstract: This article introduces us the figure of Hassan Sheikh Muumin, one of Somalia's greatet modern songwriters and playwrights. After an introduction about the life and the career of the poet, four of Hassan's songs, two dealing with women, and two with politics are presented in their English version.
Maqaalkaani wuxuu ka hadlayaa Xasan Sheekh Muumin, oo ah mid ka mid ah abwaaniinta waaweyn ee soomaaliyeed. Taariikh noololeedkiisa ee guud kasokow, waxaa halkaan laga helayaa afar hees uu tiriyay abwaanku, labo haweenka ayay ku saabsanyihiin, labada kalena siyaasadda, af ingiriisi ayayna ku tarjumanyihiin.
Questo articolo ci presenta la figura di Hassan Sheikh Muumin, uno dei più grandi compositori e poeti moderni della Somalia. Dopo un'introduzione sulla vita e sulla carriera del poeta, sono presentate quattro canzoni di Hassan, due relative alle donne e due alla politica, nella loro versione inglese.
Description: Document provided by Bildhaan, Digital Commons at Macalester College.
Dokumentigan waxaa dadka u soo bandhigay Bildhaan, Digital Commons ee jaamacadda "Macalester College"
Documento messo a disposizione da Bildhaan, Digital Commons del Macalester College.
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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