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Title: The Changing Face of Food Security in Somalia
Authors: Majid, Nisar
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History::cooperation
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Siyaasad/Taariikh::iskaashi
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::POLITICA/STORIA::Cooperazione
Keywords: food security
Save the Children
kayd cunno
gargaar degdeg ah
daryeeka dhallaanka
sicurezza alimentare
Save the Children
Issue Date: 2003
Type: article
Journal: FAO International Workshop on “Food Security in Complex Emergencies: building policy frameworks to address longer-term programming challenges” Tivoli, 23-25 September 2003
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Pages: 9
Abstract: The food security sector in Somalia is perhaps more coordinated, integrated and developmental in its approach than in any other complex emergency. This is largely due to the dominance of one actor, the European Commission, with European Development Funds operating within an established coordination structure.
Mashruuca kaydinta quudka waxaa wax ka qabtay Ergada Yurub, oo adeegsanayso miisaaniyadda Reer Yurub oo loogu talaggay horumarka. Qoraalkaanina wuxuu baarayaa arrimahaas iyo wixii la xiriira.
Il settore della sicurezza alimentare in Somalia è nel suo approccio forse più coordinato, integrato e in sviluppo che in ogni altra emergenza complessa. Questo è ampiamente dovuto al predominio di un attore, la Commissione Europea, con il Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo che opera in una struttura di coordinamento stabile.
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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