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Title: Qualitative Methodology, the Historical Sociologist and Oral Societies: Re-assessing the Reliability of Remembered "Facts"
Authors: Ali A. Abdi
Keywords: qualitative methodology
oral societies
historical sociologist
written text
hab yaysan
bulsho aan wax qorayn
metodologia qualitativa
società orali
sociologo storico
testo scritto
Issue Date: 2001
Type: article
Journal: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Issue Number: 3, Art. 21
Pages: 14
Abstract: This paper will attempt to examine specific problems and challenges that pertain to the role of the historical sociologist who must not only record and interpret recalled events, but must also beware of possible "conflicts of interest" in the informant's/expert's relationship with the rest of society. The paper will use select examples from Somalia to show some possibilities of how and why people could manipulate historical data which, when published or reported officially, may facilitate their claim on resources and/or other preferred economic and socio-political outcomes.
Qoraalkani wuxuu baarayaa mashaakillada qaarkood, wuxuuna aaminsanyahay in aan loo baahnayn in uu ku ekaado aqoonyahanku in uu qoro, fasirana dhacdooyinka, laakinse loo baahanyahay in uu ka taxaddiro in uu u keeni karo xiriirka wartebiyaha iyo iyo bulshada inteeda kale "isku dhac daneed". Arrintaas, wuxuu qoraalkaan loo adeegsaday tusaale ahaan Soomaaliya si loo u muujiyo in xog taariikheed laga dhigo si loo adeegsado dano in lagu gaar dano dhaqaale iyo siyaasadeed.
Questo documento tenta di esaminare particolari problemi e sfide proprie del ruolo del sociologo storico, che non deve solamente registrare ed interpretare gli eventi, ma deve anche fare attenzione a possibili "conflitti di interesse" nel rapporto dell'informante/esperto con il resto della società. Il documento utilizzerà esempi dalla Somalia per dimostrare come e perché le persone possono manipolare dati storici che, quando pubblicati ufficialmente, potrebbero favorire le loro richieste di risorse e/o altri risultati economici e socio-politici.
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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