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Title: Have we made progress in Somalia after 30 years of interventions? Attitudes toward female circumcision among people in the Hargeisa district
Authors: Abdi A. Gele
Bø, Bente P.
Sundby, Johanne
Discipline: Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Medicine
Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Daawo
Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::MEDICINA
Keywords: female circumcision
female genital mutilation
women health
public opinion
gudniinka haweenka
gudniinka fircooniga
daryeel caafimaad
caafimaadka haweenka
ra'yiga dadweynaha
circoncisione femminile
mutilazioni genitali femminili
assistenza sanitaria
salute delle donne
opinione pubblica
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd
Type: article
Journal: BMC Research Notes
Call Number: Originale conservato presso il Centro Studi Somali (
Pages: 9
Abstract: Female circumcision in Somalia is a major public health problem that largely contributes to the ill-health of women and their children. Accordingly, the international community is committed to take all possible measures to abolish the practice. This study examines the attitudes toward the practice among people in Hargeisa, Somalia.
Gudniinka fircooniga ee Soomaaliya ka jira wuxuu dhibaato weyn ku hayaa caafimaadka haweenka iyo caruurtooda. Waxay beesha caalamku wadaa sidii lagu ciribtiri lahaa dhaqanka. Daraasaadkani wuxuu baarayaa sida dadweynaha Hargeysa ay u arkaan dhaqankan.
La circoncisione femminile in Somalia è un grave problema di salute pubblica che contribuisce in gran parte al cattivo stato di salute delle donne e dei loro bambini. La comunità internazionale si sta impegnando per l'eradicazione di questa pratica. Il presente studio indaga gli atteggiamenti nei confronti della pratica della popolazione di Hargeisa, Somalia.
Rights: Link:
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Articoli - Maqaallo - Articles

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