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Title: | The Somali Language | Authors: | Bell, C.R.V. | Discipline: | Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Linguistics::grammar Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Cilmi-afeed::naxwe Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::LINGUISTICA::Grammatica |
Keywords: | Somali language grammar handbook af-soomaaliga naxwe buug yar lingua somala grammatica manuali |
Issue Date: | 1953 | Publisher: | Longmans, Green & Co. | Type: | Book | Call Number: | Originale conservato presso il Centro studi Somali : | Pages: | 185 | Abstract: | A grammar textbook of Somali language: its spelling system, grammar and use of language, exercises and a small vocabulary of 2500 words._-_Buug yar oo ku saabsan naxwaha af-soomaaliga: habka dhigaalka, naxwaha iyo adeegsiga afka, layliyo iyo qaamuus yar oo ka kooban 2500 erey._-_Manuale di grammatica della lingua somala: sistema ortografico, grammatica e uso della lingua, esercizi e piccolo vocabolario di 2500 parole. | Description: | File not available: the publishing house has not allowed the publication in Open Access._-_Faylku diyar ma ah waayo daabacaha ma oggola in lagu nashariyo "Open Access"._-_File correlato non disponibile per mancata autorizzazione da parte della casa editrice alla pubblicazione in Open Access. | Location: | London/New York/Toronto | URI: | | Language: | en |
Appears in Collections: | Libri - Buugaag - Books |
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