Browsing by Author Lubicz, Vittorio

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Jul-2007Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarksBoucaud, Ph.Dimopoulos, P.Farchioni, F.Frezzotti, R.Gimenez, V., et al
15-Nov-2008Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarks: simulation and analysis detailsETM CollaborationBoucaud, Ph.Dimopoulos, P.Farchioni, F.Frezzotti, R., et al
Apr-2009Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Pion from Twisted-mass Lattice QCD at Nf=2Frezzotti, RobertoLubicz, VittorioSimula, Silvano
Apr-2007An estimate of the B --> K* γ Decay Form FactorBecirevic, DamirLubicz, VittorioMescia, Federico
2009f_B and f_Bs with maximally twisted Wilson fermionsETM CollaborationBlossier, BenoitDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoHerdoiza, Gregorio, et al
2010fB and fBs with maximally twisted Wilson fermionsBlossier, BenoitDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoHerdoiza, GregorioJansen, Karl, et al
Dec-2009First evidence of new physics in b ↔ s transitionsBona, MarcellaCiuchini, MarcoFranco, EnricoLubicz, VittorioMartinelli, Guido, et al
2007First lattice QCD Study of the Σ- --> n axial and vector form factors with SU(3) breaking correctionsGuadagnoli, DiegoLubicz, VittorioPapinutto, MauroSimula, Silvano
Jul-2007Improved determination of the CKM Angle α from B --> π π decaysUTfit CollaborationBona, M.Ciuchini, MarcoFranco, E.Lubicz, Vittorio, et al
25-Feb-2010An improved Standard Model prediction of BR(B →τν) and its implicationsfor New PhysicsBona, MarcellaCiuchini, MarcoFranco, EnricoLubicz, VittorioMartinelli, Guido, et al
30-Dec-2009K ->pi l nu semileptonic form factors from two-flavor lattice QCDLubicz, VittorioMescia, FedericoSimula, SilvanoTarantino, Cecilia
Dec-2009K ->pi l nu semileptonic form factors from two-flavor lattice QCDLubicz, VittorioMescia, FedericoSimula, SilvanoTarantino, Cecilia
2009Kaon oscillations in the Standard Model and Beyond using Nf=2 dynamical quarksBertone, ValerioDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoGimenez, VicentLubicz, Vittorio, et al
2009Kaon physics from lattice QCDLubicz, Vittorio
7-Apr-2008Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2 lattice QCD with twisted mass fermionsBlossier, B.Boucaud, Ph.Dimopoulos, P.Farchioni, F.Frezzotti, R., et al
Oct-2009O (a(2)) corrections to the one-loop propagator and bilinears of cloverfermions with Symanzik improved gluonsConstantinou, MarthaLubicz, VittorioPanagopoulos, H.Stylianou, F.
2009O(a^2) corrections to 1-loop matrix elements of 4-fermion operators with improved fermion/gluon actionsConstantinou, MarthaLubicz, VittorioPanagopoulos, HaralambosSkouroupathis, ApostolosStylianou, Fotos
2009O(a^2) corrections to the one-loop propagator and bilinears of clover fermions with Symanzik improved gluonsConstantinou, MarthaLubicz, VittorioPanagopoulos, HaralambosStylianou, Fotos
12-Apr-2010A proposal for B-physics on current latticesBlossier, BenoitDimopoulos, PetrosFrezzotti, RobertoHerdoiza, GregorioJansen, Karl, et al
Jul-2009Pseudoscalar decay constants of kaon and D-mesons from N-f=2 twisted mass Lattice QCDBlossier, BenoîtDimopoulos, PedroFrezzotti, RobertoHaas, BenjaminHerdoiza, Gregorio, et al