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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Sep-1970Amendments to Decree n. 33 of 6 February 1966 relating to the store Regulations.
6-Feb-1966Amendments to the stores regulations.
30-May-1964Appointment of members of the licensing committee for transactions in goods, services and capital.
12-Sep-1982Dhisidda Kabiinooyinka lagu xoojinayo laymanka Telefoonka.
8-Dec-1980Dib u habeynta sicirka Dharka Warshadda Dharka soo saarta.
20-Aug-1970Establishment of a customs warehouse of Mogadishu for the purchase of goods exempt from custom duty by diplomat corps.
7-Aug-1979Gib u habeynta Lebiska iyo qalabka Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed.
16-Jun-1985Instrument of ratification.
20-Aug-1970Istituzione di un Magazzino Doganale in Mogadiscio per la fornitura di beni in esenzione al corpo Diplomatico.
25-Oct-1952Istituzione Ufficio Approvvigionamenti e trasporti.
21-Oct-1975Keenidda iyo qaybinta qalabka dabka ama korontada ee guriyaha iyo qalabka argtida.
21-Oct-1975Keenidda iyo Qeybinta Cinjirka Ceyrin (Cude Ruber).
21-Oct-1975Keinidda Qalabka Xafiisyada, Dugsiyada, Makiinadaha Qoraalka iyo Xisaabaadka.
10-Mar-1973Maamulka ganacsga alaabada dhismaha guriyaha (Maamulka).
16-Jun-1985Meel-marin Heshiis Ganacsi oo dhexmaray JDS iyo Jamhuuriyadda Kenya.
1-Dec-1985Meel-marin Heshiiska Fududeynta iyo Horumarinta Is-dhaafsiga Ganacsiga ka dhexeeya Dawladaha Jaamacadda Carbeed.
17-Jul-1987Meel-marin Heshiiska Ganacsiga.
27-Sep-1970Modifiche al Decreto n. 33 del 6 Febbraio 1966 relativo al Regolamento degli approvvigionamenti.
6-Feb-1966Modifiche al Regolamento degli approvvigionamenti.
1-Feb-1965Nomina del Sig. Ahmed Ali Bei quale membro del Comitato per le licenze per operazioni economiche in merci, servizi e capitali, in sostituzione del Sig. Adan Amin.