Browsing by Discipline Center for Somali Studies List of Subjects::Politics/History

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Showing results 194 to 213 of 412 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Journal of Somali Studies - Inaugural Issue
1973Kacoo dalka beerta. Abuurka miraha iyo daaqa. Beerida basasha. Cayayaanka gala cudbiga Soomaaliya. Ilaalinta cayayaanka dalka Soomaaliya.A.A V.V.
21-Oct-1979Khudbaddii madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Dimoqraadiga Soomaliya jalle Maxamed Siyaad Barre, ka jeediyey 10 - guurada kaccankii 21 oktoobarMaxamed Siyaad Barre
2001Lack of Free Expression andPress Freedom as a Factor in the Political Crisis in SomaliaAbdulkadir M. Diesow
1993Les 'mooryaan' de Mogadiscio. Formes de la violence dans un espace urbain en guerreMarchal, Roland
1988Literature and politics in the Horn: an overviewAli Jimale Ahmed
1997Littérature et politique en SomalieMorin, Didier
2010Making memories of Mogadishu in Somali poetry about the civil warKapteijns, Lidwien
2001Male roles and the making of the Somali tragedy. Reflections on gender, masculinity and violence in Somali societyHassan A. Keynan
11-Jun-2015Malhamah: Annawāb Al-ahrār As-sōmaliyīn liddal-ihtilāl Al-ithiyōbiyi 2006-2009Sharif Salah Mohamed Ali
2003Medhane Tadesse, "Al-Ittihad : political islam and the black economy in Somalia"Prunier, Gérard
1997Mending rips in the sky. Options for Somali communities in the 21th century
Sep-1951Meridiano somalo. Rassegna mensile della vita in Somalia
Oct-2000Mogadiscio dans la guerre civile: rêves d'EtatMarchal, Roland
1999Mogadiscio tra rovine e globalizzazioneMarchal, Roland
1992Morire a MogadiscioHassan Osman Ahmed
May-1927Il Mullah. Breve storia di un falso messiaGaibi, A.
7-Nov-2013Muqaalka dhabta ah ee Muqdisho (1)
19-Nov-2013Muqaalka dhabta ah ee Muqdisho (2)
Jun-1977My country & my people. Speeches of Jaalle Siyad 1975Mohamed Siad Barre