U baalrog Mowduuca Xoghayaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed::Ilo dhaqaale

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Muuji qoraallada 74-93 di 97. hore   kuwa xiga
Taariikhda daabacaaddaCinwaanQore/yaal
1998Somalia. Storia Economia e Risorse, Società e Tradizioni, Arte e Cultura, ReligioniAbla Osman Omar
Dec-1966SomalieBezy, F.Lecointre, A.Piret, B.Peemans, J. Ph.Robyn, Gh., iyo qorayaal kale
Sep-1911La Somalie italienneBaldacci, A.
1958Somalie sous tutelle italienne 1956-1957Morgantini, Adolfo Mario
1956Somalie sous tutelle italienne. Schéma de l'Economie et Chronique Economique 1950-1955Morgantini, Adolfo Mario
1984Some Aspects on the Use of Fuelwood and Charcoal in SomaliaLaux, Hubert
1984Some Trends in Somalia's Political EconomyLaitin, David L.
Aug-1973Taxda iyo Hawlaha W. M. Bannaan
1988La teoria delle tecnologie appropriate e la realtà del mondo agricolo somaloFalciai, MarcoGullo, C.
1988The Debt Crisis of the Developing Countries and the IMF Conditionality. Potential Economic and Social Consequences in SomaliaMaho A. H. AwesBechtold, Karl-Heinz W.
1989The Economy of the Somali Democratic Republic in the 1980sGray, Albert L. Jr
1988The mith of Capital Requirement in DevelopmentAbdirahman Dualeh Beileh
1984The Ongoing Process of Gradual Disintegration of the Traditional Social and Economic System of Pastoralism in SomaliaMohamed Osman Fadal
1986The Relationship between the Hunger in third World and the Overconsume in the Industrial CultureAli A. Mohamud Fureh
1988The Role of Technical Assistance in the Somali Development ProcessConze, Peter
1988The Somali Inshore Fishing Economy. Structure, Problems, PerspectivesJanzen, Jörg
11-May-2017The unpublished documents at the Documentation Centre - Istituto Agronomico per l'OltremarePuccioni, Marina
Aug-1986The Western Indian Ocean tuna fishery from 1980 to 1985: a summary of data collected by coastal statesLawson, T.A.Lablache, G.Simeos, F.Ali, A.F.