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Showing results 373 to 392 of 1652 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Dec-1962Convertion into Law of Decree-Law No. 8 of 4 November 1962, concerning the determination of new rates of the customs duty and the frontier additional tax due on the importation of sugar, sweet and canned industrial products, likewise of the manufacture tax on local sugar production.
11-May-1972Coordinamento della Auto-Assistenza.
11-May-1972Coordination of Self-Help Schemes.
19-Jul-1970Corrigendum of the Law No. 29 of 1st April 1970, Civil Service Law.
30-Mar-1972Corrisponsione dell’indennità di carica e di alloggio ai Magistrati e al Personale Civile dello Stato del Ruolo Tecnico Professionale.
17-Sep-1970Corso di addestramento del Personale dello Stato.
26-Dec-1958Costituzione di un Ente di Diritto Pubblico denominato «Ente Autonomo per il porto di Chisimaio».
28-Oct-1974Credit agreement between the Government of Somali Democratic Republic and Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.
21-Dec-1970Cultivation and ginning of cotton.
4-Feb-1975Dacwadaha DAWLADDA dhinac ka tahay.
20-Oct-1974Daryeelidda Horumarinta Reer Miyiga – O.H.R.M. 1975
20-May-1979Dastuurka J. Dimoqraadiga Soomaaliyeed.
21-Mar-1974DAWLADDA SoomaaHyeed oo la wareegtay maamulka isgarsiinta badda (Shipping Agencies).
6-Mar-1977Dawooyinka Iibka ee Xoolaha.
30-Sep-1956Decorazioni al valor civile.
30-Sep-1956Decorazioni al valor militare.
4-Feb-1979Decrees this act as range development and management.
29-Jan-1963Delay of the term provided by Law No. 21 of 6 July 1962 for the enactment of the Penal Procedure Code.
3-Jul-1966Delega a concedere amnistia e indulto.
21-Dec-1965Delega al Governo in materia fiscale per la copertura del Bilancio di previsione dello Stato.