U baalrog Mowduuca Soggettario Centro Studi Somalo::LINGUISTICA

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Muuji qoraallada 38-57 di 77. hore   kuwa xiga
Taariikhda daabacaaddaCinwaanQore/yaal
25-Jan-2016Notes on the Ci-mini dialect of SwahiliWhiteley, W.H.
1976Notes on the Rendille Language (Kenya)Heine, Bernd
1975Notes on the Yaaku Language (Kenya)Heine, Bernd
1984NP Focus in Somali and Dirayta A Comparison of Baa and PaHayward, DickSaeed, John
1988Nuclei logici dei dinamismi di parentela in SomaloAjello, Roberto
2009Position, Function and Interpretation of Topics in SomaliFrascarelli, MaraPuglielli, Annarita
1984Possession in SomaliSerzisko, Fritz
1984Pragmatic Roles in Central Somali Narrative DiscourseBiber, Douglas
31-Oct-2013Prestiti italiani nel somaloA. M. Waasuge
1981Problemi di lessicografia somalaBanti, Giorgio
1984Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Vol. I: Linguistics and Literature
2009Qaamuuska Af Soomaaliga. The Great Somali Monolingual DictionaryPuglielli, AnnaritaBitocchi, Francesca
1991Qualité vocalique et genre grammatical en SomaliAngoujard, Jean-PierreMohamed Moallin Hassan
1987Reinisch's work on Somali and its significance todayAndrzejewski, B.W.
1984Remarks on the genetic classification and the relative chronology of the Cushitic languagesZaborski, Andrzej
1987Review: Fritz Serzisko, Der Ausdruck der Possessivität im SomaliPuglielli, Annarita
1979Rilevanza della formalizzazione nella descrizione linguisticaPuglielli, Annarita
1989Il sistema di numerazione somalo. Dati linguistici e cognitivi.Squillacciotti, Massimo
2009Somali Flora and Fauna: Some Ethnoliguistic NotesTurchetta, Barbara
2-Feb-2017Somali Focus and topic system: a global analysisAbdirachid M. Ismail