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Mostrati i risultati da 1315 a 1334 di 1652 < precedente   successiva >
Data di edizioneTitoloAutore/i
7-mar-1957Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione consolare fra l'Italia e la Gran Bretagna con gli annessi Protocolli di firma e scambio di Note, conclusi in Roma il 1° giugno 1954. (Pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana N. 121 in data 13 maggio 1957).
7-mar-1957Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione consolare fra l’Italia e la Gran Bretagna con gli annessi Protocolli di firma e scambio di Note, conclusi a Roma il 1° giugno 1954.
14-dic-1963Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione di Associazione fra la Comunità Economica Europea e gli Stati Africani e Malgascio associati a tale Comunità.
18-nov-1963Ratification and fulfilment of the Trade and Payment Agreement between the Government of the Somali Republic and the Government of the People's Republic of China.
7-giu-1975Ratification of Agreement between the Government of Somalia and International Development Association (IDA).
1-giu-1976Ratification of Agreement Between the Somali Dem. Rep. and Afrikan Corporation.
7-giu-1975Ratification of Agreement between the Somali Democratic Repubhc and African Development Bank.
8-gen-1975Ratification of Agreement between the Somali Democratic Republic and the Arab Republic of Libya —Tripoli 4th September, 1972.
12-gen-1969Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Somali Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Financial Assistance.
12-gen-1969Ratification of the agreement between the Government of the Somali Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Financial Assistance.
14-dic-1963Ratification of the Agreement establishing the African Development Bank.
25-ago-1974Ratification of the Agreement of Friendship and cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Somali Democratic Republic.
25-giu-1968Ratification of the agreement on financial aid between the Government of the Somali Republic and the Government of the German Federal Republic.
24-giu-1973Ratification of the agreements on Mogadishu port project.
13-giu-1968Ratification of the Commercial Agreement between Somali Republic and Iraq Republic.
11-giu-1968Ratification of the Commercial Agreement between Somali Republic and the Sirian Arab Republic.
14-dic-1963Ratification of the Convention of Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States Associated with that Community.
6-nov-1972Reduction of customs export duty on charcoal.
15-feb-1961Referendum per l'approvazione della Costituzione della Repubblica Somala.
10-giu-1971Relativa a modifica apportata alla Legge 21 Gennaio 1970, N. 7 concernente Corte Sicurezza Nazionale.